We would like to solicit nominations for the Theory Section Distinguished Scholar Award, which is given annually to recognize a scholar’s lifetime contribution to international theory. Ideal nominees will have made significant advances in theorizing world politics that transcend areas of specialization within international studies. They will also have superlative records of service and mentorship within the wider international-studies community. Nominees should be members of the International Studies Association. The winner will be honored at the 2019 ISA Annual Convention in Toronto with a roundtable and plaque. Nominations must be accompanied by (1) a supporting letter of no more than a single page and (2) a curriculum vitiate. All materials must be received by Jason Weidner (jason.weidner@udem.edu ) by May 15th, 2018. Past nominees will be considered in subsequent years.
We are also asking for volunteers to serve on our two awards committees: one for our paper awards, and the other for our book awards. The Theory Section Paper Awards recognize superlative work in International Theory presented at the previous year’s ISA Annual Conference. All papers with a strong theoretical focus are eligible. Two awards are made: one for a paper presented by a graduate student or other non-PhD holder, and another for a paper by a post-PhD scholar. The ISA Theory Section Book Awards recognize exceptional work published in the prior two calendar years (2017 and 2018) that contribute to the theorization of world politics. The awards are open to all forms and styles of theorization. Criteria include such considerations as innovativeness, quality of argumentation, and significance for the broad discipline of international studies. There are two book awards: ISA Theory Section Book Award (Monograph), and ISA Theory Section Edited Volume, Special Issue, or Symposium Award. If you would like to serve on either committee, please contact Asli Calkivik (acalkivik@itu.edu.tr) by May 15th, 2018. We will put out a call for nominations for each award soon.