Political Science isn’t sterile laboratory. The discipline is riddled with politics and deeply influenced by policy concerns.

Ido Oren earned a BA in Middle Eastern and African studies from Tel-Aviv University, an MA in Political Science from New York University, and a PhD in International Relations from the University of Chicago. His intellectual and research interests range from IR theory, international security affairs, and U.S. foreign policy, through the history and politics of American political science, to interpretive methods of political research. Oren’s book, Our Enemies and US: America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science was published by Cornell University Press and translated into Chinese and Japanese. His articles have appeared in journals such as Perspectives on Politics, International Security, the European Journal of International Relations, and Comparative Studies in Society and History. Professor Oren is a former Vice President of the International Studies Association and former President of the Association’s Southern region. In spring 2010 he was a Fulbright lecturer at China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing. Oren has given invited lectures/presentations in Germany, Denmark, Turkey, Israel, Japan, and at various Chinese universities.