Looking for some podcast episodes to give a listen to? I’ve got suggestions.

Looking for some podcast episodes to give a listen to? I’ve got suggestions.
G. John Ikenberry is one of the most influential scholars of “liberal international order.” It’s likely that he, along with Dan Deudney, is responsible for popularizing the phrase. John’s most recent book, A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order has reportedly shaped the thinking of the Biden foreign-policy team. I interviewed him for a recent podcast.
In less than a month, I'll be teaching "Introduction to International Relations" for the first time in over ten years. As luck (for certain values of "luck") would have it, this means I'm building a...
The first video ever played on MTV, back when MTV played music videos most of the time, was the one-hit wonder "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. A lament about how new technology ended...
Posts about podcasting and other podcasts.
I already mentioned that this podcast was coming, but now it is out. From my summary at New Books in Science Fiction and Fantasy: When I agreed to host New Books and Science Fiction and Fantasy there were a number of authors I hoped to interview, including Michael Gordin. This might come as a surprise to listeners, because Michael is neither a science-fiction nor a fantasy author. He is, rather, a prominent historian of science at Princeton University. But his work intersects with the subject-matter of this podcast in a number of ways. Five Days in August: How World War II Became a Nuclear...
This is the audio (in mp3 format) from the Speculative Fiction and Pedagogy panel at the International Studies Association-Northeast 2012 convention. The panel featured Henry Farrell, Dan Nexon, Jennifer Lobasz, and PTJ. Notes: The new feed for Duck of Minerva podcasts is here. I will continue to post Duck of Minerva podcasts at the old feed for the time being, but I suggest switching over the new one sooner rather than later. Podcasts will also be available via direct download from the "Podcasts" tab.
This is the audio (in m4a format) from the Speculative Fiction and Pedagogy panel at the International Studies Association-Northeast 2012 convention. The panel featured Henry Farrell, Dan Nexon, Jennifer Lobasz, and PTJ. Notes: The new feed for Duck of Minerva podcasts is here. I will continue to post Duck of Minerva podcasts at the old feed for the time being, but I suggest switching over the new one sooner rather than later. Podcasts will also be available via direct download from the "Podcasts" tab.
I've been getting sporadic reports of problems opening the podcasts, e.g., of people clicking on them from the "podcasts" tab with no result, being unable to force a download to show up as an audio file, and so forth. If you've been having this kind of difficulty would you let me know in comments?Please specify what kind of browser(s), and operating system(s) are involved, and which (if any) workarounds have revolved the problem.UPDATE: I've added an mp3 of Episode 10 to the files linked to under the "podcasts" tab. I'd appreciate it if someone who has had difficulties tries it to see if it...